Will the Breather improve my sleep?

Will the Breather improve my sleep?

Sleep disturbance can cause daytime sleepiness and can have a massive impact on daytime functioning, productivity, safety (particularly while driving or operating machinery), and quality of life. While a wide range of drugs are available that can help with the quantity of sleep, these often do not improve the quality of sleep, and may induce drowsiness or a feeling of jet-lag. While sleep disturbances are often stress-related and can affect people of any age, the sleep architecture is more often affected in elderly people, leading to fragmented sleep and frequent awakenings.

Elderly people with sleep disturbances are at increased risk of mortality, compared to those with better sleep quality.Several clinical studies have confirmed that RMT can improve sleep quality and sleep quantity, reduce the number of awakenings and limb movements, thereby improving quality of life . Wider implications of improved sleep patterns include improved cognitive function due to more restful sleep, and reduced risk of mortality.