I am a runner/active person/healthy person, how can the breather help me?
Yes, studies have shown that regular respiratory muscle training (RMT), such as using the Breather, will improve your exercise capacity and performance, whether you have respiratory problems which limit your level of activity, or whether you’re a ...
Will the Breather improve my exercise capacity and performance?
Yes, studies have shown that regular respiratory muscle training (RMT), such as using the Breather, will improve your exercise capacity and performance, whether you have respiratory problems which limit your level of activity, or whether you’re a ...
Can I get more information on how to begin?
For informational videos on how to get started log onto: Click here to sign up for our monthly training sessions:
Can I train more than twice a day?
I think the question is, is it okay for clinicians to modify the training protocols? Absolutely! That’s why we call them the “general” training protocols. The clinician working directly with the individual patient is the best person to assess where ...
What do you recommend as most objective and accurate test or measurement to assess RMW?
The definition of RMW is that the respiratory muscle strength is reduced to equal or less to 70% of predicted value, assessed by maximum inspiratory or expiratory strength (MIP/MEP). Additional indicators for/manifestations of RMW include dyspnea, ...
Does the Breather or Breather Fit have specific functional parameters for establishing patient’s daily/weekly progress.
Weekly progress can be checked by monitoring maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure (MIP/MEP) by a therapist. We also recommend keeping a training journal including training frequency and intensity, as well as a personal rating of dyspnea, ...
I missed the monthly Breather user training, can you send me a recording?
Our monthly webinars and many other resources can be found on the "on-demand" on our webpage:
How can I continue training once I have reached the setting 6 inhale & 5 exhale?
Congratulations on getting your respiratory muscles into great shape! The good news, you can continue improving your strength! We offer the Breather Fit for athletes and people who start RMT from a higher baseline. Breather Fit offers higher training ...
How often should I use the Breather to start feeling the improvement?
Try to train on a daily basis, as it may take up to 2 – 4 weeks to feel results.
How soon can I start seeing results?
We recommend using the Breather for 4 weeks regularly to see results. However, depending on the baseline performance, you may see measurable results as soon as 1 week after starting respiratory muscle training with the Breather.
How long do you use the Breather?
The Breather will be beneficial for your breathing, exercising, blood pressure, sleep and circulation as long as you keep using it. Once you have built it into your daily routine it will not feel like exercise, but more like a relaxation session. ...
What is THE BREATHER Protocol?
Please have a look at our website for specific use case protocols. Our standard training protocol recommends 2 to 3 sets of 10 breaths twice a day at around 70% of maximum effort. However, clinical judgment should be used to tailor the protocol to ...
How was the training protocol developed?
The training protocol for the Breather has been determined by therapists who applied the Breather when it first came out, and is based on best patient response. Two sessions of 2 sets of 10 breaths emerged as the most beneficial and preferred ...
Does the Breather or Breather Fit have specific functional parameters for establishing patient’s daily/weekly progress.
Weekly progress can be checked by monitoring maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure (MIP/MEP) by a therapist. We also recommend keeping a training journal including training frequency and intensity, as well as a personal rating of dyspnea, ...
In order to maintain a consistent pressure within the airway, do you encourage a nose clip with the mouthpiece, or a mask to seal off the nose.
Nose clips may be helpful in cases in which the user experiences difficulty sealing off airflow through the nose. It is also important to maintain a lip seal around the mouthpiece to ensure airflow is directed exclusively through the mouthpiece.
Isn't nasal breathing preferred?
We don't advise stopping nose breathing. Strengthening the diaphragm by using the Breather will actually make nose breathing more effective as well. Using THE BREATHER promotes diaphragmatic breathing and strengthens all respiratory muscles. We don't ...
Am I breathing with enough effort?
Please, look at this video for clarifications:
Can I use the Breather reclining or lying down?
You can, however, reclined or semi-reclined positions are known to impair respiratory muscle function. This is why we recommend sitting upright in order to practice proper diaphragmatic breathing during training. If you’re having trouble maintaining ...
How do you know the patient's baseline resistance, and when they're ready to increase resistance?
The baseline can be established either by using a manometer or by observation during a set of RMT. Puffing cheeks on exhale or lightheadedness is an indicator to reduce the settings, low effort to complete a set would indicate that the settings ...
Why can’t you hold The Breather by your teeth? How does that affect the training?
The mouthpiece is ergonomically designed to support people with poor lip strength and to prevent air leakage due to tighter lip seals. It also stimulates the muscle network around the lips. Holding the mouthpiece by the teeth puts undue pressure on ...
Does it make sense to vary the inspiratory and expiratory part of Respiratoy Muuscle Training (ie do inspiratory or expiratory only)?
In most cases it is beneficial to train both parts of the breath cycle. For example, if your inspiratory muscles get stronger by doing inspiratory muscle training and you start increasing your exercise tolerance and being more active, you also want ...
Can we train only expiratory or inspiratory muscles and not both?
Some patients with dysphagia or swallow problems may prefer in some instances to only train the expiratory muscles to really focus on these muscles. So before they have a meal, they try to warm up and engage those expiratory muscles just in order to, ...
Popular Articles
That is a great question and the answer is, Yes, it can! They are mechanically the same device and provide the same levels of resistance. The only thing that differentiates them is the resources we offer for each of them (videos, training plans, ...
How to clean?
The Breather should be regularly cleaned with mild, warm soapy water to prevent build-up of saliva during training. Rinse your Breather well; shake off excess water and air dry on a clean paper towel. If it is completely dry, it can be stored in a ...
What are the differences between the Original Breather (Blue or Pink), Breather Fit and Breather Voice?
The Breather(Blue and Pink) is lower in resistance. Breather Fit and Breather Voice are higher in resistance. Breather Fit and Voice are the same levels of resistance, just separated from the different resources provided on our website for each user. ...
What are the differences between each of the devices?
The BREATHER (the blue and white device that you may have seen) is the original device. This device and the companion resources target adults and children with Respiratory Muscle Weakness. BREATHER FIT (black and orange device) generates higher ...
I have problems with my speech and/or swallowing. Can the Breather help me?
Yes. Respiratory muscle training (RMT), the expiratory muscles in particular has been shown to improve swallowing and cough, helping people with dysphagia. EMST has been shown to activate the movement of the hyolaryngeal complex, and this improved ...